
Department of Psychology

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Psychology Library

The psychology library consists of a valuable and exclusive collection of books belonging to different areas of Psychology such as child psychology, clinical psychology, social psychology, biological psychology and many more. In addition to text books, the library also provides journals, reviews, technical books, handbooks and manuals including tests and measurement guidelines, books on various therapy techniques & ethical guidelines, and latest editions of the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders among many other additional resource materials. Furthermore, students have access to a wide array of former research papers and theses through this facility. This library, located in the Temporary Staff Room, can be accessed by students during all working hours on any weekday.


In addition to the psychology library we provide students with the access to numerous e-books with our online e-library where students can download and utilize a large collection of books from psychology and other related disciplines free of charge. Most of these resources are typically unavailable to the public or are only available for purchase. Therefore students can benefit significantly from this easily accessible online collection at their convenience.

Student Guidance Unit

Affiliated to the Department of Psychology, the Student Guidance Unit provides guidance and counselling to students of need. This facility ensures strictly professional assistance,securing students’ privacy and confidentiality, and is accessible to any student regardless of their batch, Department, or Faculty. Counselling services are available on any working hour on all 5 week days. The unit is located in GB second floor intersection.